Have you ever been offended?
Have you ever felt persecution or oppression?
Tell me - if you have - how do feel about your oppressor and those who offend you?
Tell me what you are to do, if you have the chance to take revenge?
While you think about the answer, I will tell you a story. 1400 years ago, an Arab man started his call to Allah, the Lord of this universe. He was sent by Allah to lead atheists to monotheism, but really, it was a very hard mission.
Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, was faced with all kinds of harm and persecution even from his relatives.
His uncle Abu Lahab and his wife Umm Jameel came on the top of the list. They used to insult him and arouse suspicions about the honesty of his call. Moreover, Umm Jameel used to throw thorns in his way.
The atheists of Quraish used to throw garbage on his body while he was praying. The prophet’s daughter Fatema usually removed this garbage.
They started to torture his weak followers using all possible techniques! They put bani Hashim and bani Abd El- Mottalib under siege and decided to boycott them totally.
The prophet and his followers were about to starve.
The atheists of Quraish also, claimed that he was no more than a mad man, a magician or a poet who had a great influence on those who listened to him.
Regardless of all of this, he used to pray for them and ask Allah to forgive them and lead them to the right path, as they did not know it!
Moreover, when prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, entered Mecca and the atheists surrendered almost without any fight, they were captivated. Imagine what he did…he set them free and did not think of revenge for what they did in the past!
This is the real tolerant face of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
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اللهم صلى وسلم على سيدنا محمد
بارك الله فيكى لماضة ما أعظم تسامح نبينا
وما أكثر ما تعرض له من إيذاء
ومع ذلك عندما أصبح فى مركز قوة
من ينتقم بل سامح وعفا
جزاكى الله كل الخير
وبالتوفيق دوما لماضة
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